On 2/23/17, 1:54 AM, "Alex Harui" <aha...@adobe.com> wrote:

>A few comments/questions:
>What does flex-box do when it runs out of room?  Doesn't it wrap to a new
>row/column?  Or can that be controlled?  I think most folks expect
>VerticalLayout to not create a new column but to keep going vertically and
>be clipped or scrolled.

Flexbox has a number of options. Wrapping is one of them but is not the
default. It set these layouts to not wrap so you get a single column or
row. I did not set overflow, but it probably should be set to hidden or
auto; trying to match up what we want the SWF side - which takes much more
effort/code to mimic - requires us to make a choice for default behavior.

I think that using the Flexbox layout will give good results on the JS
side. I deliberately didn't add more features just to see what people
think of using it. It has some cool layout features and seems to solve a
lot of layout problems people have had using CSS. It might not be right
for all situations of course.

>On the SWF side, I am hopefully going to get buy-in to unwrap the Sprites
>again.  That's what the dual branch is all about.
>+1 for lighterweight (one div) Container.  I thought we'd already done
>something like that in one of the Item Renderers.  But Panel and other
>ChromContainers probably need to extend Container because people expect
>it, although I'd be fine if they both just implemented some sort of
>As an alternative to flex-box, it is totally fine to have more than one
>VerticalLayout.  One that tries to use display:block and another one that
>runs a bunch of code and does position:absolute on everything.
>In reality, how many of you use position:absolute or position:relative in
>a real-world HTML/JS UI?  It still feels like we are going to end up using
>it too much, but maybe that's what has to happen in order to solve some of
>the common layout issues, like making one thing stretch to fill all
>available space.

I agree. When you look at the generated HTML, there's way too much forcing
of size and position that a natural HTML author would not use. But I'm not
sure how to really do this programmatically while allowing all sorts of
situations to work.

>My 2 cents,
>On 2/22/17, 2:31 PM, "Peter Ent" <p...@adobe.com> wrote:
>>Great. Thanks. I will take a look at these tomorrow.
>>On 2/22/17, 5:19 PM, "Harbs" <harbs.li...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>This too:
>>>> On Feb 23, 2017, at 12:16 AM, Harbs <harbs.li...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> BTW, this might be useful:
>>>> https://github.com/philipwalton/flexbugs
>>>>> On Feb 23, 2017, at 12:08 AM, Harbs <harbs.li...@gmail.com
>>>>><mailto:harbs.li...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>>> How well do these work in IE?
>>>>> It looks like Flexbox is not supported at all in IE prior to IE10 and
>>>>>even in IE10 and 11, it only has buggy support.[1]
>>>>> [1]http://caniuse.com/#feat=flexbox
>>>>>> On Feb 22, 2017, at 11:40 PM, Peter Ent <p...@adobe.com
>>>>>><mailto:p...@adobe.com>> wrote:
>>>>>> I just pushed new layouts: VerticalFlexLayout and
>>>>>>HorizontalFlexLayout as
>>>>>> well as a change to DataBindingExample to use them. I consider these
>>>>>> temporary and would like to make them be the VerticalLayout and
>>>>>> HorizontalLayout in the near future.

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