
I've been working this week end on a logo for Royale and want to share my
work in progress. Please try the following link:


The concept is a modern icon logo build with simplicity in mind and with
lines and circles that could have multiple uses (black over white, white
over black, colored, outlined, special finish...). The example only shows
some work at the current state. In need more work to be finished.

The logo has various meanings. It's a crown to give the user the main
concept of Royale, something magnificent, superb, best in its class...but
as well tries to give you some key points of the main composition
architecture in Royale, the Strand-Beads concept with a base line (the
strand) that conects circles (beads). So my intention is give the
possibility of various meanings in one logo while try to keep it simple.

The fonts used are "Aclonica" google fonts.

The last example is not finished (gradients are not perfectly done yet and
other things needs more polish) and is only a possible finish but it's
really to show how could it be, but I'm sure I'll be redoing it from
scratch, but I must left it for today.

Although it's still a work in progress I think is worth it to share it with
the community and see reactions and if you think if it will be a good logo
or try another concept.

So please share your thoughts!


Carlos Rovira

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