When I said “enhance”, I meant both in terms of design and in terms of message. 
I too am not sure where Apache will be an attraction or not. I’d be very 
interested in what others think.

One of the first projects I looked at when seeing how they did it was Struts 
(considering it’s in the news and all) ;-)

They don’t have Apache or the feather in the logo, but they mention Apache in 
the main header and have a link back to apache.org <http://apache.org/> in the 
top right.[1]
Eagle’s site is nice. They have a feather as their logo. It does not look at 
all like the Apache feather, but it likely got inspiration from that.[2]
CouchDB has Apache very deemphasized.[3]

Other projects have varying degrees of emphasizing the Apache name and/or the 
feather. (for example[4][5][6])

It seems to me we should put together the best message we can and how the 
Apache brand fits into that is part of the bigger picture.

[1]https://struts.apache.org/ <https://struts.apache.org/>
[2]http://eagle.apache.org/ <http://eagle.apache.org/>
[3]http://couchdb.apache.org/ <http://couchdb.apache.org/>
[4]http://hadoop.apache.org/ <http://hadoop.apache.org/>
[5]http://helix.apache.org/ <http://helix.apache.org/>
[6]https://openoffice.apache.org/ <https://openoffice.apache.org/>

> On Sep 25, 2017, at 7:27 PM, Alex Harui <aha...@adobe.com.INVALID> wrote:
> IMO, not only if it makes the logo look better, but also if having the
> word "Apache" in the logo (or the feather) will help attract or keep
> users.  We will certainly give Apache attribution elsewhere as we should
> and as required.  I'm unclear whether "Apache" is considered a positive,
> neutral, or negative in the eyes of other web app developers that the
> "Royale" brand is trying to target.  I would guess "Apache" is a positive
> for folks migrating Flex apps, but I think we are still thinking of using
> "FlexJS" for that package.  I'm not clear that non-Apache folks have a
> strong association with the feather and Apache.
> I googled "Royale logo" and most of those did not have a crown (that's
> good, less likely for confusion with ours).  I also googled "Crown logo"
> to feel better that there would also be less chance for confusion with
> some existing logo.  I didn't see anything that looked like what Carlos is
> proposing (also good).  I did see that many crown logos have a "frown"
> that Jeffry mentioned.  Many others have a flat bottom, and some are
> "tilted back" to show an oval perspective of the round bottom of the crown.
> I am mindful that Carlos is generously volunteering his time and energy on
> this logo as well as other web design, so I'm fine if at some point he
> says "out of time, gotta move on to the next thing".  Whatever state the
> logo is in at that point will be fine with me.  It sounds like projects
> can tweak their logos "later" anyway.
> I couldn't find any "rules" about whether we have flexibility about where
> "Apache" can go in a logo.  For sure, "Apache Royale" and "Royale" are
> going to be trademarks of the ASF, but I was wondering whether if we try
> to incorporate "Apache" it has to visually go before the word Royale or
> whether we have the option of putting in small print at the bottom of the
> logo "by Apache", "an Apache project", "TM Apache Software Foundation" or
> that trick where a line or curve in the artwork is actually composed of
> small type, and things like that.
> My 2 cents,
> -Alex
> On 9/25/17, 2:41 AM, "Harbs" <harbs.li...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Some do, some don’t.
>> From my perspective, if it enhances it, we should add it. If not, leave
>> it out.
>> Justin’s “feather in the hat” idea is an interesting play on things. I’m
>> not sure if there’s an elegant way to incorporate that.
>> I like logos to be as simple as possible.
>> Of the examples so far, I like the overlapping lines in the last one.
>> I don’t know if there’s some way to make the logo reminiscent of an app.
>> Harbs
>>> On Sep 25, 2017, at 6:02 AM, Alex Harui <aha...@adobe.com.INVALID>
>>> wrote:
>>> Hi Dave,
>>> Is having "Apache" in the logo a requirement?  I'm not convinced every
>>> other Apache project is doing that (or incorporating the feather
>>> either).
>>> We do need the "TM" in the logo though.
>>> Thanks,
>>> -Alex
>>> On 9/24/17, 2:35 PM, "Dave Fisher" <dave2w...@comcast.net> wrote:
>>>> It's pretty cool. I like the path overlays - it made me think of the
>>>> Olympic logo. 
>>>> Since the project is Apache Royale how would the word Apache be
>>>> incorporated as a logotype?
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Dave
>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>>> On Sep 24, 2017, at 1:50 PM, Carlos Rovira <carlosrov...@apache.org>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> I've been working this week end on a logo for Royale and want to share
>>>>> my
>>>>> work in progress. Please try the following link:
>>>>> https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Froyale.
>>>>> co
>>>>> deoscopic.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2017%2F09%2Froyale_logo.png&data
>>>>> =0
>>>>> 2%7C01%7C%7C9cebac683de74cee43df08d503947ede%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c1
>>>>> 78
>>>>> decee1%7C0%7C0%7C636418858678387243&sdata=HjM%2B%2BE%2FzW7rRhf7FQ%2Fa%2
>>>>> Bx
>>>>> kgVs9ds8iHLrlbMAGEc%2Fug%3D&reserved=0
>>>>> The concept is a modern icon logo build with simplicity in mind and
>>>>> with
>>>>> lines and circles that could have multiple uses (black over white,
>>>>> white
>>>>> over black, colored, outlined, special finish...). The example only
>>>>> shows
>>>>> some work at the current state. In need more work to be finished.
>>>>> The logo has various meanings. It's a crown to give the user the main
>>>>> concept of Royale, something magnificent, superb, best in its
>>>>> class...but
>>>>> as well tries to give you some key points of the main composition
>>>>> architecture in Royale, the Strand-Beads concept with a base line (the
>>>>> strand) that conects circles (beads). So my intention is give the
>>>>> possibility of various meanings in one logo while try to keep it
>>>>> simple.
>>>>> The fonts used are "Aclonica" google fonts.
>>>>> The last example is not finished (gradients are not perfectly done yet
>>>>> and
>>>>> other things needs more polish) and is only a possible finish but it's
>>>>> really to show how could it be, but I'm sure I'll be redoing it from
>>>>> scratch, but I must left it for today.
>>>>> Although it's still a work in progress I think is worth it to share it
>>>>> with
>>>>> the community and see reactions and if you think if it will be a good
>>>>> logo
>>>>> or try another concept.
>>>>> So please share your thoughts!
>>>>> Thanks
>>>>> -- 
>>>>> Carlos Rovira
>>>>> https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fabout.m
>>>>> e%
>>>>> 2Fcarlosrovira&data=02%7C01%7C%7C9cebac683de74cee43df08d503947ede%7Cfa7
>>>>> b1
>>>>> b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C636418858678397248&sdata=XfLDf0sc
>>>>> Xd
>>>>> 1uV6IZUQ8oPRiNslfvAuAAxoCfVcuis%2BE%3D&reserved=0

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