On 14/07/2004 9:17 AM, Gianny Damour wrote:

org.apache.geronimo.gbean.jmx.NoSuchOperationError: No implementation method: objectName=geronimo.server:J2EEApplication=skeleton/app,J2EEModule=skeleton-ejb.jar,J2EEServer=geronimo,j2eeType=StatelessSessionBean,name=StatelessSession, method=public abstract org.openejb.EJBContainer org.openejb.EJBContainer.getUnmanagedReference()

This is my fault.... I have recently changed the way GBean attributes names are derived from a method name: basically, from the getUnmanagedReference method, the new implementation looks for an attribute name "unmanagedReference". As the name of this attribute is actually "UnmanagedReference", this exception is raised.

I have just updated the way GBean attribute names are derived:
When GBeans are proxied via RawGBeanInvokers, attribute names may start with an upper-case letter. For instance, if a GBean has a method "getFoo", then the implementation tries to find an attribute having the name "Foo". This was the behavior before my updates and I have restored it. Now, if such an attribute is not defined, then the implementation tries to find an attribute having the name "foo".

When GBeans are proxied via JMXGBeanInvokers, attribute names are derived based on the "exact" name embedded in the method name. For instance, if a GBean has a method "getfoo", then the implementation tries to find an attribute having the name "foo". This was the behavior before my updates and I have restored it.


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