They can live concurrently, since they are differnt files (pom.xml vs project.xml/maven.xml). This should have no impact as long as the directpry structures remain the same.


Lin Sun wrote:
I would prefer daytrader working with maven 1.02 for a little while, till we 
convert the
core geronimo code to Maven 2.   Or we can provide a way to switch to build 
easily between maven 1.02 and 2?

--- Matt Hogstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Go ahead and open a JIRA and post the patches and I'll take a look at the changes we need to make.

I think most folks are of the mind to go for M2 after we get V1.0 out the door (hopefully later this year)

Vincent Massol wrote:

-----Original Message-----
From: Matt Hogstrom [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: mardi 18 octobre 2005 15:43
To: Vincent Massol
Subject: Re: [Daytrader] Converting to Maven 2


This is great.  UI'd be happy to pull your changes into the sandbox.  One
question I have is the compatibility with maven 1.  Is it possible to
your changes and folks that are still using maven 1 would be able to

Sure. I've been careful not to break the Maven 1 build. Also, m1 and m2 can
coexist pacifically so there shouldn't be problems. The only issue is
supporting both builds over time which is a bit tiresome. I'd suggest
switching to a pure Maven 2 build whenever possible (maybe when Geronimo
switches to Maven 2).

that is the case then I say let's move forward with the migration.

Great. How do you want to proceed?


I think you meant to reply to everyone, so I'm cc-ing the Geronimo list...


Vincent Massol wrote:


I have discussed offline with Matt (a month or so back) who told me he'd


interested in porting the daytrader application to Maven 2. I'd like to
help. My incentive is that I'd like to feature the daytrader application


a book chapter I'm writing (Maven 2 book).

I've started modifying the daytrader build on my machine to make it


with Maven 2 directory structure. I've kept the maven 1 build working.

Basically here are the steps I've done:

- moved all sources in src/main/java
- moved all resources in src/main/resources
- removed all tests (as they were not real tests - they were just fake


probably generated by the genapp plugin)
- removed some other genapp files (, etc)
- removed the core module which consists only in a genapp generated


- have the ear application.xml file generated by the ear plugin
- fixed some project.xml stuff (like renaming <id> into <artifactId>,


- some other minor stuff (indentation fixes, etc)

Is that ok to be committed?

I'd like to know if you're still interested in doing this Maven 2


If so how would you like to do it:
a/ directly on the trunk in sandbox/daytrader
b/ in a branch
c/ somewhere else. I could leave your build code untouched and do all


migration in a separate SVN for the book.

I think a/ should be the best option.

Should I open a JIRA issue for this? How easy would it be possible for

me to

get commit access, etc?

The next steps I'd like to perform are:

- discuss with you about reorganizing the full directory structure to
incorporate more things in the build: packaging, deployment, functional
tests, etc.
- create the m2 pom.xml files
- write automated functional tests



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