
On 6/11/06, David Jencks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Jun 11, 2006, at 10:56 AM, Alan D. Cabrera wrote:

> The way the specs are currently organized is way too cumbersome and
> confusing.  I propose that we get rid of the root POM for specs and
> that each spec gets its own branches, tags, and trunk, so that each
> may be released independently on its own.
> I think that we should do this post v1.1.
> Thoughts?

I think this is a really good idea, and I agree with the proposed
timing.  After some IRC discussion with alan, I think this is the
only way to have both sensible spec version numbers and avoid the
current problem that there are a lot of 1.0.1 specs released out of
the tags/1.1 which I find terminally confusing  (even though I agreed
with it when it was proposed some time ago).

Basically we should never have to release specs after their 1.0
version .... when we do it is because we found a bug.  Since we
expect to find bugs only in isolated specs, not all at once, we will
rarely be releasing more than one spec at a  time.  In this case
having a root pom is basically a drag, not a help.

david jencks

> Regards,
> Alan



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