I think I am fairly open...preferably later in the evening Dublin since
I am in Colorado.  But I am not fussy, because its highly likely my new
baby will be fussy and thus I will be available at any time ;-)


Jules Gosnell wrote:
> Jeff Genender wrote:
>> Jules Gosnell wrote:
>>> Dain Sundstrom wrote:
>>>> Are you going to provide a call in line so people not at the
>>>> conference can participate?
>>> I'll look into it.
>>> Would anyone be interested in using such a feature ?
>> I would likely be interested too depending on time.
> OK, Jeff - so are there any windows on thurs aft/eve (dublin time) which
> would not suit you ? Let us know, so that we can avoid them.
> Jules
>>> Jules
>>>> -dain
>>>> On Jun 27, 2006, at 10:48 AM, Rodent of Unusual Size wrote:
>>> Jules Gosnell wrote:
>>>>>>> Matt - I don't think that the problem was with sponsorship, but 
>>>>>>> rather
>>>>>>> exclusion... (maybe I've misunderstood something?). Covalent are
>>>>>>> simply
>>>>>>> providing a room and beer. The invitation is open to the entire
>>>>>>> community and you will be driving the meeting.
>>> That should be cool.  Firstly, it has been announced here in the
>>> public list.  Secondly, you should consider putting up a few
>>> notice signs around ApacheCon to catch interested people who
>>> didn't see this.
>>> Yes, exclusion and lack of openness was the issue.  The sponsorship
>>> was mud in the water.  By mentioning this here the issue is rendered
>>> nonexistent.
>>> Of course, you need to post (here and on those paper notices) the
>>> details, such as time and place, as soon as they're figured out.
>>> Thanks, Jules.  And thanks for raising this, Matt, so it can be
>>> clarified a bit.
>>> -- 
>>> #ken    P-)}
>>> Ken Coar, Sanagendamgagwedweinini  http://Ken.Coar.Org/
>>> Author, developer, opinionist      http://Apache-Server.Com/
>>> "Millennium hand and shrimp!"

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