Geronimo - Monday, September 4, 2006

  10 Patches in RTC

    [GERONIMO-2354] Replace concurrent with backport-concurrent-util
      - Assignee: Unassigned
      - Reporter: Jason Dillon
      - Created:  Sun Aug 27 21:53:39 PDT 2006
      - Updated:  Tue Aug 29 19:39:58 PDT 2006
      - Votes: 0

    [GERONIMO-903] Update Log4J usage from 1.2.8 to latest maintenance version 
of 1.2.13
      - Assignee: Jason Dillon
      - Reporter: Donald Woods
      - Created:  Tue Aug 23 16:02:38 PDT 2005
      - Updated:  Thu Aug 31 23:13:51 PDT 2006
      - Votes: 0

    [GERONIMO-2015] Let's replace JKS to PKCS12 key store type
      - Assignee: Unassigned
      - Reporter: Nikolay Chugunov
      - Created:  Fri May 12 14:54:17 PDT 2006
      - Updated:  Thu Aug 10 10:59:06 PDT 2006
      - Votes: 0

    [GERONIMO-2332] RTC Put the generated xmlbeans files for the j2ee 1.4 
schemas in svn in a spec module so we don't need the schemas in svn at all
      - Assignee: David Jencks
      - Reporter: David Jencks
      - Created:  Fri Aug 18 13:13:47 PDT 2006
      - Updated:  Fri Aug 25 18:32:52 PDT 2006
      - Votes: 0

    [GERONIMO-2365] Upgrade Derby to
      - Assignee: Jason Dillon
      - Reporter: Jason Dillon
      - Created:  Wed Aug 30 17:10:25 PDT 2006
      - Updated:  Thu Aug 31 16:31:44 PDT 2006
      - Votes: 0

    [GERONIMO-2163] WADI Integration for Jetty
      - Assignee: Gianny Damour
      - Reporter: Gianny Damour
      - Created:  Sun Jul 02 14:16:35 PDT 2006
      - Updated:  Fri Sep 01 08:33:50 PDT 2006
      - Votes: 1
          1  David Jencks

    [GERONIMO-2349] jta 1.1 support with container manager jpa support in 
transaction module
      - Assignee: David Jencks
      - Reporter: David Jencks
      - Created:  Wed Aug 23 13:22:37 PDT 2006
      - Updated:  Thu Aug 31 13:49:47 PDT 2006
      - Votes: 1
          1  David Blevins

    [GERONIMO-2248] Applications portlets: List Parent and Child components 
against each component
      - Assignee: Unassigned
      - Reporter: Vamsavardhana Reddy
      - Created:  Sun Jul 30 08:15:34 PDT 2006
      - Updated:  Sat Aug 19 10:44:11 PDT 2006
      - Votes: 1
          1  Donald Woods

    [GERONIMO-2358] Move java ee 5 specs into specs trunk
      - Assignee: David Blevins
      - Reporter: David Blevins
      - Created:  Mon Aug 28 17:21:48 PDT 2006
      - Updated:  Mon Aug 28 17:26:11 PDT 2006
      - Votes: 0

    [GERONIMO-2364] Update geronimo to use ActiveMQ 4.1.x
      - Assignee: Hiram Chirino
      - Reporter: Hiram Chirino
      - Created:  Tue Aug 29 12:21:46 PDT 2006
      - Updated:  Thu Aug 31 22:46:27 PDT 2006
      - Votes: 0

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