I just started taking a look at this. The Xerces level we're using requires an upgrade to the XML apis we're using. In order for this to work, the XML apis jar must be in endorsed.dirs to override the JVM native one. On Sun 1.4.2, this works ok because the newer version of the XML apis is able to locate the xalan transformer implementation because it's native to the JVM. On Sun 1.5, they've repackaged the class, but the version of the apis we're using doesn't know about the name change, so things fail. It seems like the best solution for Geronimo is to include Xalan, but this appears it will require upleveling Xerces and the apis as well. We've already got a Jira open on that issue too.


Jacek Laskowski wrote:
On 11/17/06, Rakesh Midha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Only thiing I am worried about is the Classloader, I think there will be
change in classloader loading xerces classes,  if it is done via
\lib\endorsed. I don't see it as a problem as the classloader is
hierarchical and to us it won't make any difference. Right?

If I'm correct in my understanding of how classloaders work in JVM,
endorsed directory is loaded by the system class loader or its direct
child. Geronimo builds its classloader infra on top of them so there
should not be an issue with us having Xalan in endorsed dir similarly
to the Yoko jars.


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