On Dec 11, 2006, at 8:23 PM, David Blevins wrote:
Just to quietly raise my hand, we used to do option 2 on 1.0-M1 through 1.0-M5 and I was release manager nearly all of those. I advocated using one version for all specs. I eventually grew to dislike that (http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=geronimo- dev&m=113857091823325&w=2).

I understand institutional memory is short if people really want to do the one version thing again, that's cool. I just want to go on record as saying I think the way we've attempted the one version for each approach also turned out to be flawed. We should have marked all the dependencies of each spec with '<scope>provided' shutting off maven's transitivity which would fix every issue I'm aware of with managing relationships between specs.

Thought I think it is odd, to *move* code from a branch to a tag, and then back to a branch, this might be a better solution for these specs that will never change, or change like every 5 years er something.

Or maybe... the problem is really to tool we are using, or the way we are using that tool. Perhaps if mvn could handle building a release of a set of modules in one step and each of theses modules had its own trunk/tags/branches then none of this will matter?


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