Gianny Damour wrote:
On 09/02/2008, at 12:43 AM, Donald Woods wrote:

Agree with 1a, all of #2 and 3b.

- Creating documentation when new features go into svn instead as an after thought when we are trying to close out a release.

- Samples become a prerequisite of each new release.

- Project mentoring - have several of us pick another open source project to either enable them to run on Geronimo out-of-the-box or create a plugin out of their application (much like has been done for Liferay and Roller.) This could be the start of a "Ready for Geronimo" page on our website, where we list known apps and frameworks (like Spring and Hibernate) that can be readily used with Geronimo, with a page on each in our docs on installation/setup and known working versions for a given Geronimo release.

- Full support for running on Java SE 6

- Portlet for controlling logging levels at a component/package level

- Continued work on enable full clustering of all components

Hello Donald,

Could you please list the top two components you would like to see clustered?

JMS and DataSource pooling.


- Start providing previews of upcoming Java EE 6 technologies


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