Hi Jeremy,

On Nov 10, 2008, at 12:12 PM, Jeremy Bauer wrote:

OpenJPA & Geronimo devs,
Efforts are underway to begin JPA 2.0 enhancements in OpenJPA. OpenJPA builds with and bundles the Geronimo JPA 1.0 spec jar. As we move forward to JPA 2.0, OpenJPA will need to use/provide updated spec APIs. Like EJB 3.1, JPA 2.0 is still in the review stages so there may be frequent updates
to the spec API until the final draft is published.   This leads to
questions of "who, how, and where" for updating the JPA spec APIs to JPA

IMHO, it would be best if the spec jar resides in Geronimo.


Even if the expert group shortly publishes a spec jar, it will not have the proper license.

Ideally, the
Geronimo project will have a branch for JPA 2.0 spec development, with the OpenJPA project providing the JPA 2.0 enhancements. The concern with that
approach is that the OpenJPA committers cannot commit to the Geronimo

Not yet, but surely this can be fixed.

OpenJPA would need committers on the Geronimo project to do
code commits and builds of the spec jar. This may become a burden on the
Geronimo project and may be a potential (albeit small) bottleneck for
OpenJPA development. Another alternative is for the OpenJPA project to temporarily update and maintain the 2.0 spec API (using the current Geronimo spec API as a starting point) while JPA 2.0 is in flux. Major revisions and/or the final could then be provided to Geronimo to be published in the Geronimo repository, with the end goal of OpenJPA (and others) using the
spec jar provided by Geronimo.

Assuming that the Geronimo PMC trusts the OpenJPA committers, one or three OpenJPA developers should be given commit access to the portion of the repository that contains the spec jar. With suitable tests to make sure that we don't break the Geronimo build, this should be straightforward.



-Jeremy (OpenJPA committer)

Craig L Russell
Architect, Sun Java Enterprise System http://db.apache.org/jdo
408 276-5638 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
P.S. A good JDO? O, Gasp!

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