
first of all -- just wanted to say that Guacamole is one
impressive project -- very well done. I am using it for
Edge Computing applications and trying to optimize
on size as much as possible. This make me use Alpine
linux as my target platform.

Unfortunately, it seems that on Alpine (when built against
musl libc) guacd has some kind of a mysterious issue. I say
mysterious because it starts up just fine and even allows
for the first frame of VNC screen to be displayed on the webpage,
but the moment I hit any key or move my mouse over the browser
it disconnects. You can see the log from guacd bellow (running at
at a TRACE level). Comparing this to the same session with guacd
built and running on ubuntu it seems that right after sending the first
frame connection terminates for whatever reason.

I'd be really grateful for any kind of pointers or suggestion on how to
get to the bottom of this, since it seems that at least once guacd was
working on Alpine 3.7:
but that was Guacamole 0.9.3-incubating so perhaps something has

Finally, here's how I'm building it:

And running by essentially following standard Guacamole tutorial,
but replacing a pre-built container with:
    $ docker run --name some-guacd -p 4822:4822 guacd:apline


guacd[1]: INFO: Guacamole proxy daemon (guacd) version 0.9.14 started
guacd[1]: DEBUG: Successfully bound socket to host, port 4822
guacd[1]: INFO: Listening on host, port 4822
guacd[1]: INFO: Creating new client for protocol "vnc"
guacd[1]: INFO: Connection ID is "$b8a08e42-bb09-4d10-8631-9143ea018a5c"
guacd[9]: DEBUG: Parameter "password" omitted. Using default value of "".
guacd[9]: INFO: Cursor rendering: local
guacd[9]: DEBUG: Parameter "swap-red-blue" omitted. Using default value of 0.
guacd[9]: DEBUG: Parameter "read-only" omitted. Using default value of 0.
guacd[9]: DEBUG: Parameter "dest-port" omitted. Using default value of 0.
guacd[9]: DEBUG: Parameter "encodings" omitted. Using default value of
"zrle ultra copyrect hextile zlib corre rre raw".
guacd[9]: DEBUG: Parameter "autoretry" omitted. Using default value of 0.
guacd[9]: DEBUG: Parameter "reverse-connect" omitted. Using default value of 0.
guacd[9]: DEBUG: Parameter "listen-timeout" omitted. Using default
value of 5000.
guacd[9]: DEBUG: Parameter "recording-name" omitted. Using default
value of "recording".
guacd[9]: DEBUG: Parameter "create-recording-path" omitted. Using
default value of 0.
guacd[9]: INFO: User "@6c100210-b28a-46ae-9db7-00b30782b5c2" joined
connection "$b8a08e42-bb09-4d10-8631-9143ea018a5c" (1 users now
guacd[9]: TRACE: Server completed frame 119195788ms.
guacd[1]: INFO: Connection "$b8a08e42-bb09-4d10-8631-9143ea018a5c" removed.

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