On Wed, Nov 14, 2018 at 10:52 PM Roman Shaposhnik <r...@apache.org> wrote:

> Hi!
> first of all -- just wanted to say that Guacamole is one
> impressive project -- very well done.


> guacd[9]: INFO: User "@6c100210-b28a-46ae-9db7-00b30782b5c2" joined
> connection "$b8a08e42-bb09-4d10-8631-9143ea018a5c" (1 users now
> present)
> guacd[9]: TRACE: Server completed frame 119195788ms.
> guacd[1]: INFO: Connection "$b8a08e42-bb09-4d10-8631-9143ea018a5c" removed.

If the connection terminated normally, there would be additional log
messages before that "Connection removed" message mentioning that the user
is disconnected, the VNC connection is closed, etc. Those messages would be
logged by the process handling the VNC connection (in this case PID 9). The
fact that those messages do not appear suggests that the process handling
the VNC connection may have crashed.

Are you able to run a debugger under Alpine?

- Mike

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