On Sun, Oct 10, 2021 at 1:16 PM Sean Busbey <bus...@apache.org> wrote:

> Personally, I view the "stable" pointer as simply a way to say "if you
> are new to our community we'd like you to use this release." I
> personally think 2.4.z currently meets that standard and we need not
> block updating on something more rigorous.

Sean -- At first I bristled at your definition of the stable pointer but
I've come around to really like it. For me, the stable pointer had been
"what version the community says is production-ready." However,
"production-ready" can vary quite a lot based on one's priorities, and
quickly lands us in the need to define and maintain a list of criteria.
Worse, it puts the HBase community in a position of taking responsibility
for other peoples' production environments, which is absurd.

Your definition is more subjective, more focused on onboarding of new
users, and -- importantly -- much more manageable from the community

+1 on resolving HBASE-25690 to use a definition of "stable" pointer based
on Sean's definition.
+1 on moving and maintaining the "stable" pointer to the latest 2.4 release.


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