I was glad as Ian contributed his mod_gz; I tested it on Linux and Win32 and it works 
for me. 
The problem I see with 3rd party modules is not mainly that they are 'invisible', I've 
found tons of modules and often 3 or more for the same purpose, but many modules were 
only written for Unix and fail to compile on other platforms because they often 
heavily use system libs which arent available on the new target; so many modules must 
be ported to the target os and the concept of the Apache api is gone. And even if a 
module compiles without changes and no porting is needed it's not guaranteed to run. 
The best sample is mod_gzip: I use it on Linux and Win32, but on NetWare the module 
compiles fine but doesnt work! 
I think this will not happen with Ian's module because it uses only Apache apis, so 
once the server runs on a platform mod_gz will do too (ok, as far as zlib is ported to 
that platform, but that's true for nearly every platform).
I was also in contact with Kevin, but he couldnt help me with the issue on NetWare...

> Ian, I'll chat with Kevin on getting you a copy of the code. Although I
> think he will want to wait until Apache 2.x goes beta. He's the author
> and it's his decision.
please ask Kevin for a copy for me too.



PS: if you take a look at mod_gzip 1.3.xx you will see that more than half of the 300k 
are only debug messages...

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