On Mon, Sep 03, 2001 at 12:22:33PM -0700, Justin Erenkrantz wrote:
> My point is that almost every OS comes with a copy of zlib now.  We
> can't expect most people to have pcre and expat, but I think we can 
> with zlib though.  I'd rather not build zlib if we didn't need to.  
> The exception here is probably Win32 (which is why I think you want 
> the source).  -- justin

How many people compile Apache on Win32 themselves anyway? It should be
enough if the person that creates the Apache Win32 binary has zlib 
installed right? So it really shouldn't be that big of a problem?
Of course the sources could be bundled with a guide on how to install
zlib on Win32 if you really wanted it anyway..

  Thomas Eibner <http://thomas.eibner.dk/> DnsZone <http://dnszone.org/>
  mod_pointer <http://stderr.net/mod_pointer> 

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