On Thu, Aug 29, 2002 at 08:06:45AM -0700, Ian Holsman wrote:
> your trying to limit traffic based on what kind of request/request path 
> it has ?

Yes, actually based on vhost, URI, directory, file type, size, user, time of
day, etc, etc.. pretty much anything you can think of.  It also supports
multiple overlapping bandwidth restrictions and will restrict traffic based on
what other requests are currently being served to ensure the cumulative rate
for any given bandwidth limit is never exceeded.

I've got the core code working in a test harness, now I just need to put it
into an apache module..

> > I could implement this as an AP_FTYPE_CONTENT_SET filter, which would make the
> > most sense from a configuration and decision-making standpoint (since I have
> > access to request information), but one of the questions I have about this is
> > whether other buffering and such later in the filter chain (such as with
> > transcode/connection/etc filters) would render any attempts at rate control at
> > this level moot, or at least seriously degraded.
> yes, but from what I can see if you are trying to slow down the request 
> with your filter, this should not be a major drama.

Well, my main concern is if there are things down the line which buffer large
portions of data before sending them out, it would generate "bursty" network
traffic, which I want to avoid.  Part of the reason I'm doing this is because I
want to have more smooth control of network utilization so it doesn't impact
other services or requests..

I had seen some notes about the content-length filter, for example, setting
aside the entire response until it got the end of it, which if my filter was
before it would completely defeat the behavior of my rate limiting..

> if you are basing the rate limiting on something on the request I would 
> suggest you write a request hook, (somewhere after the request headers 
> have been read.. forget the name for the moment) and make it set a note
> in the connection record. (or maybe use the apr_pool_userdata_set(pool) 
> call it's faster)

Ah, thank you..  Yeah, I realize now I should have been thinking in terms of a
request hook rather than a filter for the decision-making process, but aside
from that little detail this is basically what I was envisioning.  I wasn't
aware of apr_pool_userdata_set or connection record notes, I'll go look into
that.  It sounds like it should do very much what I'm looking for.

One last question:  Because it keeps track of what other requests are currently
being served, my implementation needs to know when serving a request has been
completed, as well.  Obviously, this could pose some problems with coordination
between when request-processing is considered finished and when the data
actually goes out over the net.  What I would really like to do is consider a
request "finished" once the last of its data goes out.  Is there an appropriate
hook or something for doing stuff when this happens, or should I just look for
an EOS or something go through my limiting filter and do the processing there?

I'm still getting the hang of a lot of this architecture, but I'd like to do
things The Correct Way(tm) if possible :)

> The only potential downside I can with implementing it this way is if 
> you have 2 small requests which get sent out together, you will get the 
> rate limit of the 2nd one.

As long as they're small, I don't think anybody will care that much, so I can
live with that.

Thanks a lot for the help,


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