On Fri, Aug 30, 2002 at 01:31:04AM +0200, Werner Schalk wrote:
> tell me more about your module.
> Is it already available for testing
> and apache2?

Nope, as I mentioned, I've got the core decision-making code (and the
rate-limiting theory) written, but I'm just starting to put together an apache
module around it so it can actually be used with the apache server.

I hope to have a basic prototype reasonably soon, tho, if I don't run into big
problems figuring out how to write the apache code.  It may be a bit longer
before it supports all the options I mentioned in my description.

I'll let people know when I have something people might actually want to use :)


> On Thu, Aug 29, 2002 at 08:06:45AM -0700, Ian Holsman wrote:
> > your trying to limit traffic based on what kind of request/request 
> > path
> > it has ?
> Yes, actually based on vhost, URI, directory, file type, size, user,
> time of day, etc, etc.. pretty much anything you can think of.  It also
> supports multiple overlapping bandwidth restrictions and will restrict
> traffic based on what other requests are currently being served to
> ensure the cumulative rate for any given bandwidth limit is never
> exceeded.
> I've got the core code working in a test harness, now I just need to put
> it into an apache module..

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