--On Tuesday, March 16, 2004 12:26 PM -0600 "William A. Rowe, Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Same here....

diff -u3 backup/source.c,v live/source.c,v

....you mean to say there is an equally trivial way to compare two
repositories to do post-mortem with svn?  If so please share!

This doesn't work at all in practice because RCS can rewrite the entire file if it chooses to making the ,v files non-diffable in any meaningful way. The branches are written out-of-order, and what is full-text once isn't often full-text in the next write to the ,v file. Remember, full-text's are against HEAD or the head of the branch-point in RCS. This increases the S/N ratio of the diffs tremendously making them almost useless.

With SVN, it's really a straightforward 'diff -u3 backup.dump live.dump'.

As for doing this with SVN, you'd simply dump your 'live' repository and compare the 'backup' dump with the live one. There should be no differences, and this'll work across the entire repository (unlike CVS which asks that you do this on a per-file basis). And, you can't modify any previous revision's contents once it is written (unlike editing the RCS file directly) - see below for the one caveat to this in SVN. Any new commits not in the 'backup' would be at the end of the 'live' dump file - those can then be visually inspected. All of this *greatly* simplifies the auditing process.

None of you are going to be expected to help audit the repository in a compromise, but it's us poor fools running the servers that are always stuck doing the audits. And, Subversion would make my life *so* much easier under those circumstances if every ASF project were to adopt it.

Oh, as C-Mike pointed out, we'd also have to factor in revision properties changing post-mortem - i.e. changing the log message, but we're also capturing that data as well, and could easily run a fixup on a backup dump. -- justin

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