Jim, would you post a chart of the now-three proposed behaviors,
with the various effects broken out?  It would help us all understand
why we need a third way.


At 02:53 PM 5/11/2004, you wrote:
>IMO, we need more control over the port number that Apache
>determines to be canonical beyond that which is provided
>by UseCanonicalName, simply because there are so
>many options and permutations which are possible
>and applicable for different environments.
>To that end, instead of overloading UseCanonicalName
>(and breaking the API), I'm working on UseCanonicalPort.
>Before I spend lots of time on this, I need to
>get a feel for whether this is an itch others
>think need scratching and would vote for including
>in 2.0 (I'm working on 1.3, 2.0 and 2.1 patches)...

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