On Mar 13, 2007, at 2:08 PM, Nick Kew wrote:

AFAICS, this not merely looks like mod_line_edit: the filter *is*
mod_line_edit, right down to the bucket manipulation logic used as
an example in The Book!  It's just missing a couple of minor features,
and has a slightly different configuration syntax. The other difference
is 15 months "out there" in widespread use.

What logic? Let me know what sections you mean because
most of what I based it on is stuff from mod_include
and mod_proxy_ftp.c (and other ASF modules). I don't see
anything in either module which is "new" or not done by
any other modules out there that need to split out sections
from buckets.

Bill told me about mod_line_edit maybe 3-4 days ago.
I had known about mod_proxy_html, which is also something
we've pointed clients to, so maybe that's where
the confusion comes from.

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