Sander Temme wrote:
> We can even do the same for 2.0.x once we have our regression fixed, and
> then make a splash for all three when 2.2.x is done.

2.0 and 2.2 both have piped log issues.

For 2.0 this is slightly more critical, we still invoke the log pipe app
directly, and then pid_kill the thing on plog teardown.  This means
there is a lag between now-dead logger and new open_logs hook, which
is especially uncool.  On 2.2 it's not quite so bad, since we pid_kill
bin/sh leaving bin/sh's invoked process running.

r569535 doesn't quite clean on either 2.0 or 2.2, so I'll post up the link
a bit later to tweaked patches.

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