Steffen wrote:
> I the meantime we have to advise the users not to use 2.2.6 because  is
> not compatible with some mods (not just mod_fcgid). We shall advise to
> stay on 2.2.4 or 2.2.5 RC.

If you would like to clear up FUD ("some mods") with "explicit mods" that
would be productive.  It would also be productive to discuss your concern
with the mod_fcgid maintainers, as the apr behavior is not likely to be
regressed to the previous behavior of leaking file handles (which I suspect
mod_fcgid had leveraged).

If I understand your later post;

> mod_fcgid is not working for me, either with Perl or with my own FCGI
> test program.

your issues with mod_perl were in conjunction -with- mod_fcgid?  Just trying
to narrow down the focus.


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