Nick Kew wrote:
On Tue, 18 Sep 2007 12:25:18 +0200
Adam Hasselbalch Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I have created a patch for httpd 2.2.6, giving the additional
LogFormat directive %R, which logs the port of the host making the

This is due to new legislation in Denmark, requiring ISPs and hosting companies to log the originating port of all traffic.

Is there a reference for that legislation, and whatever debate there
was surrounding it?  As in, what do they expect to gain from it?

Debate? It's the Justice Department that's had a brainfart, that's what's happened. Apparently it's meant to ease criminal investigations involving electronic communication (read: terror investigations). But it's totally meaningless, since public terminals (like in an Internet Cafe) are exempt from the law.

You can read the entire thing in Danish here:

The relevant part is Section 5, which says (losely translated):

§ 5. A provider of electronic communication nets or services for end users must register the following information about an internet session's initiating and terminating package:

1. Originating Internet Protocol address
2. Recipient Internet Protocol address
3. Transport protocol
4. Originating port number
5. Recipient port number
6. Time of start and end of communication.

Looks harmless, and evidently adds value for you.

Well, value, schmalue. But it's the law...

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