The slide showing the protocols httpd supports is kind of dead on.

Personaly I like it that I'm able to serve http, ftp,... with one
server package.

If this is they way to go I think in 3.0 a entire new design would
benifit and remove a lot of workaround in forcing the protocols to
work with the httpd core.
Although then it can no longer be httpd but apached or something in the like.

Although dropping back to waka/http is an other options but I think
some users will be dissapointed.
Why run 4 different daemons while one will do? (ok I can think of a
lot of reasons but I can think of some no to do it either.)

Just my 2 cents


On Sat, Apr 12, 2008 at 7:10 PM, Paul Querna <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> For those who were not there, slides from Roy's keynote at ApacheCon EU:
>   <>
>  The only reply I can really come up with is:
>   Patches Welcome.
>  I don't agree with, or disagree with all of the topics Roy discusses, and I
> do think we should focus more on 'fun' things, but I'm not sure we have an
> active enough community to really toss everything out, and plunge head first
> into a 3.0 development sprint.
>  -Paul


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