On Wed, Jul 2, 2008 at 7:10 PM, William A. Rowe, Jr.
> Andy Wang wrote:
>> so the libraries are pathed with ${libdir}/apr-util-1 directory in their
>> path.
>> As a result, the bindist installed Apache 2.2.9 isn't able to find
>> apr_ldap*.so.
>> Simple enough to workaround in envvars, but is the intention to continue
>> to put libraries in subdirectories under apache/lib or was this an oversite?
>>  Either way, envvars needs to be updated to include any new libraries for a
>> bindist situation correct?
> yup - but we had a debate on this on apr, and the direct path was preferred.
> I think in retrospect that was a bad choice, and that apr should search from
> LDPATH_ELT/apr_foo-1.so and LDPATH_ELT/apr-util-1/apr_foo-1.so for each ELT
> of LD_LIBRARY_PATH (or SHLIB_PATH or LIBPATH or what have you by platform).

Looks like we ended up with the extra path component but not any logic
to iterate over it, IIUC.

One case to keep on the radar:  There can be configuration mechanisms
for the loader outside of the SHLIB_PATH envvar.   If this is apr-util
in /usr/lib, so no shlib-path-var is in use, would we be able to find

Do the various loaders permit an argument resembling
"apr-util-1/bar.so" to consult the non-envvar loader configuration?

Eric Covener

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