Andy Wang wrote:
Based on the comment that was attached to the bug I filed on this there's an even easier option --disable-util-dso when configuring. I was unaware this was disableable, but should have looked at the apr-util configure --help.

That seems to be the simplest solution for bindist or otherwise relocated apr/apache builds.

You can certainly do this; it reverts to apr-1.2 behavior.

Sadly, mainline packages are exactly what the dso option was added for.
When building httpd for the mass consumer, it's not possible to predict
which of 6 sql, 4 db and ldap modules they will actually use.  The combined
footprint of these at runtime is asinine.  Of course; this is no different
that a typical monolithic php build, and loading both, apr-util dso will
save you little except for a few additional relocs since these libs were
already slurped in ;-)


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