Ruediger Pluem wrote:

> Is it really a good idea to use mod_mem_cache? Keep in mind that
> mod_mem_cache uses local caches per process and cannot use sendfile
> to send cached data. It seems that mod_disk_cache with a cache root
> on a ram disk could be more efficient here.

No, it really isn't a good idea, and it wasn't my idea. ;-)
I just started working at that company, and the frontend
servers are even managed by another service company so I
don't even have shell access to the servers.
But I'm pushing for a switch to mod_disk_cache.

> > The first odd thing is that I would have expected that Apache
> > uses all child processes about equally. Especially I would
> > have expected that there are at least 25 threads for the second
> > process in state "_" (waiting for connection), because the
> > MinSpareThread directive is set to 25. 
> This is indeed strange. Mind to
> 1. Attach an ASCII-output of the whole status page to see the exact
>    process / thread slot usage.
> 2. Your MPM configuration and your reverse proxy configuration.

Here's the mpm config:
        MaxMemFree              1024
        ThreadLimit             256
        ServerLimit             3
        StartServers            3
        MaxClients              768
        MinSpareThreads         25
        MaxSpareThreads         75 
        ThreadsPerChild         256
        MaxRequestsPerChild     2000000

Lars Eilebrecht

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