On 15 Oct 2008, at 14:41, Ruediger Pluem wrote:
On 10/15/2008 01:55 PM, Lars Eilebrecht wrote:

I'm trying to debug a performance issue on an Apache infrastructure
using 2.2.9 as reverse proxies. The Apache servers don't do much
except for ProxyPass'ing data from others backend servers, and
caching the content using mod_mem_cache.

Is it really a good idea to use mod_mem_cache? Keep in mind that
mod_mem_cache uses local caches per process and cannot use sendfile
to send cached data. It seems that mod_disk_cache with a cache root
on a ram disk could be more efficient here.

They may have gotten driven into mod_mem_cache as it was (too) hard or would take to long to set up a ram disk with ease on that type of ops environment,. And if you assume that:

This is Apache with the worker mpm on Solaris. Currently each
box is configured with a ServerLimit of 3. The attached screenshot

ServerLimit goes up - you really want to go towards disk/sendfile().


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