Ruediger Pluem wrote:

Something else to try is to look at the ProxyIOBufferSize parameter.

The proxy reads from the backend in blocks, and as soon as a block is
not full (ie it's the last block), the proxy will complete and terminate
the backend request before sending the last block on to the client.

No. See below.

Oh dear - I know this optimisation is supposed to be there - I wrote it.

Picking through the proxy code on v2.2, it looks like the optimisation has been removed for some reason. The logic should flow like this:

do {


    if (backend_is_done) {


} while(not_yet_done)

This makes sure that for reasonable sized requests, the probably-expensive backend is released immediately, before any time is invested shipping the response to the potentially-slow client.

Obviously, if the loop comes round more than once, then the client comes into play. This definitely needs to be fixed, it is a big performance issue.


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