On Tue, 2009-09-15 at 11:25 +0200, ext Graham Leggett wrote:
> Brian J. France wrote:
> > Jari is the original author of mod_dav_acl, which requires patches to
> > httpd to work.  I need the same functionality added to httpd to get a
> > mod_dav_acl type module working, so I have split up his patch into
> > smaller pieces.  Can a patch be under a different license than the
> > original code?
> Yes it can, but only the author of the original code can do that, as
> only the original author (the copyright holder) can set the terms by
> which his patch can be used.
> The way forward is to ask Jari to submit his httpd-2.2.8-ju.patch to us,
> granting us permission to use the Apache software license on it.

I'll assume that you don't need here the content which is included
within mod_dav_acl package at sf.net ? Otherwise you are certainly free
to use it anyways you like. Patch contains mostly some "hooks" to
mod_dav, but since i'm not that familiar with apr & apache code, you can
certainly improve things. For dav_acl, caldav and carddav modules (the
latter of which i just recently submitted), only similar kind of things
are needed, so you can change the api freely as long as the
functionality remains. I do have some cycles to update my modules
accordingly. What comes to having included these with httpd, I'm in the
process of asking permission from my company the change the license to

Thanks, Jari

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