On 06.10.2009 20:11, William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:
>> Both Makefiles check against httpd.vcproj in the main directory which is
>> not present when building out of tree.
> Now I see what you mean, both for .vcproj and .mak tests, something like the 
> last
> commit, right?

Yes, I missed the .mak one.

>> I suggest we check against modules/fcgid/mod_fcgid.vcproj resp.
>> modules/ftp/mod_ftp.vcproj?

That works now with your change.

>> Another thing is being able to split INSTDIR from APACHE2_HOME. The
>> first is where the module should go to, the other one where httpd is. A
>> simple tweak to the Makefile allows that. Then there's also an unconditional
>> INSTDIR=\Apache22
>> near the beginning of both Makefiles, which seems not right.
> That's a default.  If INSTDIR is provided, that value is overridden.

Hmmm, it is applied a little down, but only if INSTDIR is not yet set.
So setting the default is in the Makefile twice, once unconditionally,
and then later down only if INSTDIR is not yet set. The unconditional
one should go. Furthermore the test if it is already set should also be
applied to APACHE2_HOME around the line, were APACHE2_HOME is set to

>> Finally the install target has a problem if INSTDIR!=APACHE2_HOME. There
>> is a test against "COMPLETED" which is never set. I think we can simply
>> remove the check, otherwise the xcopy for the manual fails due to the
>> missing target directory.
> Looking.

See above.

>> And last but not least, there is no mod_fcgid.h to install. Unless we
>> want to install other headers, we can drop that part.
> Until we have one.  Right now, it's a noop, so don't worry yourself about it 
> :)
> It's called a template ;-)  And given mod_cgi/mod_cgid history, we should 
> likely
> expect one to arrive, one day.

OK, now I understand "COMPLETED". We could remove the mkdir for manual
form COMPLETED, because xcopy does it (at least on my version of windows).



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