On Wed, Aug 24, 2011 at 9:01 AM, "Plüm, Rüdiger, VF-Group" <
ruediger.pl...@vodafone.com> wrote:

> > Hmm - when I remove mod_deflate (i.e. explicitly as it is the
> > default in all our installs) and test on a / entry which is a
> > static file which is large (100k)* - then I cannot get apache
> > on its knees on a freebsd machine - saturating the 1Gbit
> > connection it has (Note: the attack machines *are* getting
> > saturated).  The moment i put in mod_deflate, mod_external
> > filter, etc - it is much easier to get deplete enough
> > resources to notice.
> >
> > Dw.
> >
> > *: as I cannot reproduce the issue with very small index.html files.
> Have you tried if the same happens with mod_deflate, but with one of the
> the proposed mitigations in place?
> As said my guess is that this might be an issue with mod_deflate that
> is unrelated to the Range request issue.

I think mod_deflate is just the tool to convert an O(N^2) data size problem
into an O(N^2) CPU usage problem, where N is some function of
LimitRequestLine.  If the file size is smaller than the largest range end
used in the attack, it may reduce the amount of data actually going down the
filter chain.


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