Am Freitag, 2. August 2013, 11:21:56 schrieb Eric Covener:
> > I think this does not work for GET requests or request without a
> > request body.
> Just re-read spec, you are right -- we are abusing this in a module
> as a sort of extended handshake even w/ no body, but not against
> heterogenous backends.

One could do an 'OPTIONS *' request. But I am not sure if that is any 
better than proxy-initial-not-pooled in terms of performance.

Or a filter could just send the first bytes of the request (less than 
the request line) and then do a filter flush. If that fails, repeating 
the request on a different connection would be ok even for non-
idempotent requests, because we would know that the backend has not 
received the full request yet. I don't know how many errors this would 
catch in practice, though.

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