On 17.03.2014 10:59, Plüm, Rüdiger, Vodafone Group wrote:
> I try to find a slot to vote on 2.2.x later today, but I guess it will be in 
> the evening my local time (GMT+1).

Same here, some builds and tests still running, currently looks OK.

One minor nag: out of tree build found another problem in addition to
the known one for bundled APR 1.5.0. When building httpd 2.2.27, the
bundled libtool has version 1.5.26 which does not create the "tools"
directory before trying to write tools/.libs/gen_test_char.o

httpd 2.4.9 contains libtool 2.4.2, which does not exhibit that problem.

So we should also add

        $(APR_MKDIR) tools

to the apr Makefile to avoid that pitfall. I'll fix that later in apr
svn. Basically the breakage of out of tree build for APR 1.5.0 was known
(r1541744), this is just a new detail.



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