On 5 Sep 2015, at 11:53, Ben Laurie <b...@links.org> wrote:
> On Sat, 5 Sep 2015 at 09:32 Kaspar Brand <httpd-dev.2...@velox.ch> wrote:
>> On 04.09.2015 17:54, Rob Stradling wrote:
>>> Today, roughly 25% of HTTPS servers on the Internet have OCSP stapling 
>>> enabled.  Browsers aren't likely to start hard-failing by default until 
>>> that % is a lot higher.
> …the reason browsers don't hard fail is because OCSP (or any out of band 
> communication) is unreliable. So that either means you fail for sites that 
> are actually perfectly OK, or you allow an attacker to override revocation 
> (by blocking OCSP).
> Blocking stapling (and presumably you will also object to CT for similar 
> reasons) is hurting security.
> You've argued that there's no point switching on stapling because browsers 
> won't pay attention to OCSP anyway. That is not true. They don't pay 
> attention to OCSP because it is unreliable. If stapling were widely deployed, 
> then it would be possible to switch on hard fail.

It's not just conventional browsers. I think automated / embedded HTTP clients 
will also benefit from stapling, either because  networking filters would block 
a conversation between the client and the CA's OCSP responder, or the extra 
latency from using conventional OCSP is a problem.

For another example of a non-interactive application implementing OCSP, look at 
the Exim mail transfer agent (which can be both client and server).

Tim Bannister – is...@c8h10n4o2.org.uk

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