I think this is great, in concept.

My experience with letsencrypt (which was quite good, FWIW) is that
the project delivered a contained and trusted environment to sync and
deliver new keys and retrieve signed certificates. I'll be interested to see
what simplification is presented, I don't think we want to get into the
business of delivering container-style distributions of httpd.

On Fri, Aug 26, 2016 at 9:47 AM, Rich Bowen <rbo...@rcbowen.com> wrote:

> At LinuxCon I spoke with the director of the LetsEncrypt project - whose
> business card I haven't yet found in unpacking - and he asked whether
> the httpd project would be interested in LetsEncrypt being "in" httpd.
> That is, when one installs httpd, letsencrypt would just be a config
> option. (I have no idea how this would actually work, but that's beside
> the point really.)
> Is this something that we'd be interested in, if it were contributed? I
> note that their software is under the Apache License, so there shouldn't
> be any difficulty on that front.
> Naturally, I told him that the next step was to get on this mailing list
> and talk about implementation details, and he said he'd do that. So that
> should be coming in the next week, as soon as I find his business card
> and send him the subscribe info and so on.
> --
> Rich Bowen - rbo...@rcbowen.com - @rbowen
> http://apachecon.com/ - @apachecon

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