Thanks for the intro Rich.

I think it's important that we make HTTPS as easy as possible with
Apache httpd. I don't have a particular architecture in mind, my not
being an Apache dev, but I do have a user experience in mind -- the
simplest config option possible, without having to fetch/install
additional packages. When that option is set, httpd should turn on
HTTPS and get and manage certs as necessary without the user needing
to know much of anything about it. There can, of course, be other
options for more advanced users.

Doing this will obviously require an ACME client. I'm curious to hear
what httpd devs think is the best architecture for including the
client, storing the necessary data (cert chain, ACME account info),
and configuring the feature.

If we can come up with a plan that results in making HTTPS with httpd
easy, one that the httpd devs are happy with, I can help to make
funding available for the work.

I'd also appreciate any recommendations for people to do the work.

I'll end this email with a link to a great example of seamless
integration in the caddy web server:


Josh Aas
Executive Director
Internet Security Research Group
Let's Encrypt: A Free, Automated, and Open CA

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