On Thu, Jan 19, 2017 at 6:29 AM, Jim Jagielski <j...@jagunet.com> wrote:
>> On Jan 18, 2017, at 8:35 PM, Eric Covener <cove...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Wed, Jan 18, 2017 at 6:12 PM, William A Rowe Jr <wr...@rowe-clan.net> 
>> wrote:
>>> I'm wondering if there is anyone interested in a regression-fix-only 2.4.26 
>>> that
>>> finally proves to be a workable upgrade for all httpd users?
>> It sounds reasonable to me, but I think it's a bit of an oversell --
>> It's just going to be a little bit of stabilization.
> Agreed, but what did you expect? If anyone other than Bill
> would have proposed this, he would have complained that
> having such frequent releases is bad, etc...

Jim, are you really going to start ad hominem attacks again on dev?
I thought Eric asked nicely enough for this to desist.

Don't put words into my mouth. If you want to quote one of my
posts, I don't think you will find a single post where I suggested
that there is an issue with the frequency of releases, but please
feel free.

You'll find posts stating that the next release should contain 'X'
where 'X' was generally a security or regression fix that had not
received sufficient attention to backport.

I used to be of the mind that changing from 2.4 to 2.6 was some
radical change that our users would resist. I've come to the
conclusion that the pace of adoption of 2.0 from 1.3, or 2.2
from 2.0, or now from 2.2 to 2.4... little of this had to do with
the major or minor reversion. Users simply don't update,
except as provided by their environmental provider (some
OS distro or cpanel or other deployment schema.)

If anything, Bill and others have recently argued that version
numbers, even minor, and major, are cheap. We should use
them IMO.

> Here's the real issue, as I see it. If there have been "recent
> breakages" it is not due to the release process, but rather
> the *testing* process. That is, not enough people testing
> 2.4-HEAD until we actually get close to a release. The idea
> should be that 2.4-HEAD is ALWAYS in a releasable and "runnable"
> state, it being RTC after all.

My perception is that many enhancements get rammed into
the maintenance branch in the final days of a candidate
because new features are neat, instead of applying them
weeks ahead of a tag and ferreting out breakage across
the breadth of architectures and deployments that httpd

There are three reviewers. If things are going into a release
they either aren't getting sufficient review by those three
people, or three people are inadequate, or more likely...

Our testing process can never and will never capture 10%
of the various ways different developers and users have
deployed and customized their httpd environment, as is
illustrated in our bug tracker.

But having some approachable httpd.a.o/test/ pages that
get mentioned in our 'reporting bugs' pages might help
encourage users with more novel schemas to propose
some test case patches to our test framework? That
would increase coverage, it will always remain a fraction
of the anticipated and unexpected use cases.

> This is only, clearly, an attempt by Bill to commandeer the
> 2.4 release process, nothing more. Again, anyone is free
> to RM... there is no need to fabricate reasons to do so.
> If Bill wants to do a quick 2.4.26 with the current fixes
> then sure, why not. Especially if it will be "one we think is
> good", and we can pat Bill on the back for a job well done.

But the onus should not be on Bill's Releases to win some
feature-frozen and reduced-breakage/regression-fixing
packages for our users, while users expect Jim's Releases
to offer the newest (and potentially/eventually regression
inducing) features and enhancements.

You've put restated the argument again this month that if we
don't enhance and add features, we will lose user share to
another web server. I've restated the argument again this
month that unnecessary regressions cost us user share.
You restate above that a lack of testing causes regressions,
I am restating that adding features to maintenance releases
causes regressions.

This isn't my effort to commandeer the release process, it
is actually my third distinct proposal in a month to find some
major.minor.subversion schema which would be respected
and honored by the entire PMC. We can have a war of the
releases, that seems to be what you want. I would rather
see new committers and pmc members jump into the role
of RM - one that doesn't require years of dev list history
to anticipate whether the community will accept a release
tag at a particular point in time.

It isn't about Bill and Jim, Jim. It is about a community of
coders, who aren't listening well to the needs of one segment
or another of our users and consumers, and our use the
designated 'maintenance' release as a substitute for our
shipping any new releases.

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