On 06/30/2017 08:41 AM, Jacob Champion wrote:
On 06/30/2017 08:37 AM, Jim Jagielski wrote:
Well, in 2.4.26 is WAS/IS an entry in notes available to modules

Well... hm. I guess that's a valid point. My preference is still to remove it since it's undocumented, but if anyone else would like to see it back in, I'm fine with that.

After mulling it over a bit... I think you've convinced me, Jim. I would probably die of shame if someone started using that note in 2.4.26 and my "final patch" just extended the regression train. ;P

As far as I can tell it has no downsides, so my only request is that we add it to CHANGES (or some documentation, somewhere) and get a test in place before it goes back in. I may be able to get to that later this afternoon.


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