On 2/22/21 6:00 PM, Eric Covener wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 22, 2021 at 11:28 AM Stefan Eissing
> <stefan.eiss...@greenbytes.de> wrote:
>> Regarding my proposal to add SSL related inquiry functions to our core 
>> server, here
>> is a patch for the "ssl_is_https()" function. This allows:
>> a) anyone to inquire about a connections SSLiness without the optional 
>> function retrieval.
>>    It will itself call such a function provided by a module. So this should 
>> make anyone
>>    using the new ap_ssl_is_ssl(c) remain compatible to existing ssl modules.
>> b) provide a hook to ssl modules where they can register to inform about 
>> connections they manage.
>> c) allow old modules that use the existing optional functions to work when 
>> everyone uses the new hook.
>> If I got this right, of course. Feedback very much appreciated.
> +1, maybe a comment somewhere that normal optional functions are setup
> earlier in register_hooks() so early post-config will be the right
> time to shadow them.

That question came up to me either. Hence +1 on the patch but also +1 to 
mention that in a comment in post-config to understand
this better.



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