APR experts: I build the -deps tar with apr 1.7.0 / apr-util 1.6.1. Those are 
looked up at the site as the latest, just like the old scripts did.
However, that will not configure on my macOS. The branches/1.7.x which I 
normally use does.

./include/apr.h:561:2: error: Can not determine the proper size for pid_t

any one can help my poor memory on how to work around that?

I have the insane plan to actually test the tars before putting them out for 

- Stefan

> Am 10.09.2021 um 12:12 schrieb Ruediger Pluem <rpl...@apache.org>:
> On 9/10/21 12:07 PM, ste...@eissing.org wrote:
>> So far, I hear that people think we should make a 2.4.49 based 
>> on the current 2.4.x. 
>> I will do some IRL errands and things and come back to this 
>> in the afternoon. If this still stands then, I'll create a 
>> 2.4.49-rc1 and put that to the vote.
> Sounds good. Thanks for all your work on this and especially on the scripting.
> Regards
> RĂ¼diger

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