> Am 09.02.2022 um 22:49 schrieb Graham Leggett <minf...@sharp.fm>:
> On 09 Feb 2022, at 17:43, Yann Ylavic <ylavic....@gmail.com> wrote:
>> So ab is (appropriately?) reporting errors for kept-alive connections
>> that had to be shutdown earlier than KeepAliveTimeout, although I
>> suspect that it would report the same after the KeepAliveTimeout.
> ab has a code path that checks for this case and ignores the closed 
> connection, but the test for this was based on whether the current connection 
> had keepalive headers - which it could never be, because, the connection 
> closed before the headers arrived. I added a check as to whether the 
> connection had been kept alive in the past, and now the errors are all gone.
> Switching from MacOS to Rawhide (on a very low powered server that is 
> designed to save electricity), httpd with your PR ticks along nicely at 10 
> 000 concurrent requests. Will try some more testing on a Linux VM on my 
> Macbook Pro, it should be quicker.


> [minfrin@kingdom httpd-trunk]$ /tmp/httpd-trunk/bin/ab -R 10 -n 4096000 -c 
> 10000 https://localhost/index.html
> This is ApacheBench, Version 2.3 <$Revision: 1897912 $>
> Copyright 1996 Adam Twiss, Zeus Technology Ltd, 
> http://web.archive.org/web/20000304112933/http://www.zeustech.net/
> Licensed to The Apache Software Foundation, http://www.apache.org/
> Benchmarking localhost (be patient)
> ^C
> Server Software:        Apache/2.5.1-dev
> Server Hostname:        localhost
> Server Port:            443
> SSL/TLS Protocol:       TLSv1.2,ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384,2048,256
> Server Temp Key:        X25519 253 bits
> TLS Server Name:        localhost
> Document Path:          /index.html
> Document Length:        191 bytes
> Concurrency Level:      10000
> Concurrency achieved:   10000
> Rampup delay:           10 [ms]
> Time taken for tests:   391.854 seconds
> Complete requests:      136274
> Failed requests:        0
> Total transferred:      58427992 bytes
> HTML transferred:       26074174 bytes
> Requests per second:    347.77 [#/sec] (mean)
> Time per request:       28754.873 [ms] (mean)
> Time per request:       2.875 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests)
> Transfer rate:          145.61 [Kbytes/sec] received
> Connection Times (ms)
>               min  mean[+/-sd] median   max
> Connect:       16 15427 5534.2  16315   33304
> Processing:     5 8640 2503.2   9722   11456
> Waiting:        1 4313 1306.0   4890    6407
> Total:         21 24067 7782.9  26160   41561
> Percentage of the requests served within a certain time (ms)
>   50%  26160
>   66%  26394
>   75%  26633
>   80%  31010
>   90%  31586
>   95%  31837
>   98%  32071
>   99%  32326
>  100%  41561 (longest request)
> Regards,
> Graham
> —

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