
Basically the site development paradigm (our favourite word) should be familiar to you.  We use plain old HTML/XHTML with StaticMesh for theming.  You can edit any of the pages which might be .html of .vm (velocity macro) files.  There's no magic to it. 

Once you've edited it, use the build.bat (Ant script) to generate the site to the the /deploy directory. 

But definitely read Jeff's docs.   They'll ensure you don't blow anything away. :-)


On 7/19/06, Jeff Butler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi Jon,
That took me a while to figure out too!
I've just updated the WIKI page about this with more current information:
My opinion is that you should add a high level page linked under the "Downloads and Documentation" section that describes the new version (BTW - woo hoo!).  Then you can add detailed documentation under the /docs/ruby directory.  You can structure and generate those pages any way you desire.
Jeff Butler

On 7/19/06, Jon Tirsen < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I'm finally getting the RBatis website together. Forgive me for asking
a newbie question, but: Where is the current iBatis website? How do I
go about changing it? How do I redeploy it? Any thoughts were I should
put the RBatis material?


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