Better yet, put your dtd in WEB-INF/lib.

Clinton Begin wrote:
Hi everyone,

Guess what! On average, an iBATIS DTD is served up every 1.8 seconds from <>, and nearly 1.5 million per month.

I know this because it's taking down my new web hosting service. Which sucks and, as far as I'm concerned, it's all due to WestHost sucking as a service provider ( <> had no issues for the last 5 years). I know 1 per 2 seconds doesn't sound like much...realize that that's just the average. The reality is that some hours during the day, DTDs are being requested at an incredible rate, an average of 32 per second, which still doesn't sound like a lot -- but what can I say, WestHost sucks.

Unfortunately I signed up for 2.5 years. :-) Think they'll give me a Anyway...


    * Nearly a year ago I warned that the iBATIS DTDs will be moved to
      Apache, and the warning has been on the homepage for just as long.
    * The DTDs should be resolved from the JAR file if you're using a
      modern version.
    * It's time to finally pull the plug.

In 72 hours, I will remove the DTDs from forever.

You don't need to upgrade iBATIS to fix the problem, you just need to change your XML files.

<!DOCTYPE sqlMapConfig PUBLIC "-// SQL Map Config 2.0//EN" "";>

<!DOCTYPE sqlMap PUBLIC "-// SQL Map 2.0//EN" "";>

<!DOCTYPE daoConfig PUBLIC "-// DAO Configuration 2.0//EN" "";>

Oh look, it's 11pm on the west coast. That means at 11pm on Friday, the DTDs will be gone.

Sorry for any inconvenience.  But you have had a year.  :-)

Best regards.


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