Is there any realistic non-academic use case for bypassing the
getters/setters if they exist?  In other words, if you want to go by plane
then don't rent a car :)

We really encourage people to keep their POJOs simple.  I'd sure hate to see
us encourage wierd or overly complex design just because we can.  Maybe we
should bypass all the non-standard syntax and configuration options.  If you
have getters/setters then we'll use them.  If not, then we'll use the fields
directly.  End of story.

Jeff Butler

On 2/10/07, Paul Benedict <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

OGNL uses property notation syntax which calls getters and setters. As
for the parenthesis syntax, there is no precedent in the market for such
a syntax being used to access fields directly. The syntax should be the
same (I want to navigate to X), with an additional attribute specifying
how it should be done (take me by plane or car).


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