I think so.  At the very least, we could just remove it from the DTD... I'm
having a hard time letting go of one of those "just in case" moments.  :-)
Interestingly, the code is kind of a mess in the area of parameter maps, as
it's different if you specify a parameter map vs. an inline map, due to
dynamic SQL... it would be nice to strip it out altogether.  But for now,
DTD removal will do.


On Tue, Jun 2, 2009 at 1:46 PM, Jeff Butler <jeffgbut...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I just answered the same question on the user list about parameterMaps for
> the 526th time (maybe I exaggerate a bit).
> Are we going to remove <parameterMap> from iBATIS3?  If it were to go to a
> vote, I would vote +1 a thousand times!
> Jeff Butler

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