I would say we should keep them and make it clear in the documentation and the 
dtd that in most cases inline
parameters maps are the better choice...


--- Original Nachricht ---
Absender: Jeff Butler
Datum: 03.06.2009 15:18
> You can do this with inline parameter maps now in iBATIS2:
> #someParam,jdbcType=VARCHAR,mode=IN#
> The advanced inline parameter syntax has every option available in a
> declared parameter map.
> Jeff Butler
> On Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 4:12 AM, Rob Sonke <r...@tigrou.nl> wrote:
>>  We're using them with Oracle procedures and functions, to specify the in
>> and out modes and their jdbc types. How would you support that?
>> Rob
>> Thomas Duffey wrote:
>> In case it helps you decide I just searched through almost 300 SQL Map XML
>> files for production apps here and not a single one uses <parameterMap>.
>>  Tom
>>  On Jun 2, 2009, at 4:23 PM, Clinton Begin wrote:
>> I think so.  At the very least, we could just remove it from the DTD... I'm
>> having a hard time letting go of one of those "just in case" moments.  :-)
>>  Interestingly, the code is kind of a mess in the area of parameter maps,
>> as it's different if you specify a parameter map vs. an inline map, due to
>> dynamic SQL... it would be nice to strip it out altogether.  But for now,
>> DTD removal will do.
>>  Clinton
>> On Tue, Jun 2, 2009 at 1:46 PM, Jeff Butler <jeffgbut...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I just answered the same question on the user list about parameterMaps for
>>> the 526th time (maybe I exaggerate a bit).
>>> Are we going to remove <parameterMap> from iBATIS3?  If it were to go to a
>>> vote, I would vote +1 a thousand times!
>>> Jeff Butler

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