Hi Clinton,
That sounds great, I don't know the migrator but the topic reminded me
what I usually do with Maven, that's exactly what you suggested.
Thanks a lot


On Sun, Feb 21, 2010 at 4:53 PM, Clinton Begin <clinton.be...@gmail.com> wrote:
> This was the purpose behind the environments.  Each developer could have
> their own environment file, perhaps by their username. You could ignore such
> files from your version control system.
> This way, no matter how many properties differ, you can just specify the
> environment like:
> migrate --env=cbegin status
> Which is shorter than even one of your properties above.
> Clinton
> On Sun, Feb 21, 2010 at 6:10 AM, Marco Speranza <marco.speranz...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi all guys, I'm using migrator and I think that is a beautiful tool. In
>> my company we use migrator into a team of 10 person, each developer has its
>> own database. Into scm we have committed only two files: prod.properties
>> (for production environment) and developer.properties (for dev environment)
>> So each developer have to modify the developer.properties file with you
>> personal information. My little idea is this: add a new migrator command
>> line argument that overwrites "on the fly" any properties like this:
>> migrate -Dusername=bob -Dpassword=superSecret -DotherProp=value up
>> what do you think about this? If you think it's a good idea, I'd like to
>> implement this features.
>> thank a lot.
>> best regards
>> --
>> Marco Speranza <marco.speranz...@gmail.com>

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